


Aleksandra Strelyanaya
Aleksandra Strelyanaya
Закончила Санкт-Петербургский Университет кино и Телевидения по специальности «Кинооператор», мастерская Д. Долинина. Позже получила диплом режиссера в том же университете, мастерская В. Семенюка и В. Аксенова. Член Союза кинематографистов.
Date of birth
A young man arrives in a village on the White Sea in search of a girl who ran away from the city without saying goodbye. An old man from among the locals shows him the way. Neither the young man nor the old man can imagine what trials await them on this path.
The Net
75 min
Kola Peninsula. Varzuga village. The road has recently appeared here. The inhabitants of a distant village talk about how the world coming from outside influences the identity of the village. How can a village survive in the modern world without wasting what has held the northern land for centuries? Priest Mitrofan Badanin commanded ships in the Northern Fleet for most of his life, and now he is restoring churches on the Kola Peninsula. He shared with the filmmakers his reflections on the fate of the village, the characters of the people, and the faith strengthened by trials at sea.
The Pomors
25 min
In autumn, one hears a lot in the deserted village. Something you can't express with a regular documentary. But with a mixture of feature films, old newsreels and "visual anthropology" with the restoration of the old rite, you can try.
Bread for a Bird
26 min
The film tells about ancient rituals and traditions, original rituals that were used during weddings and matchmaking. Evening on the eve of the wedding in the village of the Pskov region. Black and white photographs and stories of old ladies on one side; living rituals, traditions that have survived to this day on the other. The picture is dedicated to a Russian wedding, but in fact it is about a moment, about a girl's state of expectation of happiness.
21 min