


Valeriy Otstavnyh
Valeriy Otstavnyh
Режиссер, журналист, редактор, политолог, православный миссионер, религиовед и рок-бард. Окончил МГИК (театральный режиссер) и Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет (православный религиовед). Актёр Театра русской драмы "Эрмитаж" (Тула).
Date of birth
On March 25, 2008 municipal services of the small city of Shchekino in Tula region of Russia opened the apartment in the big house and found a corpse of the person on a sofa.These the 68-y woman Valentina Abramova appeared the person. It was succeeded to find out that she approximately in 1994 died and lay dead 13 years. I turned into a mummy. During this time nobody took an interest in its destiny. Nobody came into its apartment. Neither neighbors, nor relatives, neither social services of the city, nor police. Authors of the movie I decided to make the investigation and to answer a question:"How it occurred?". And still authors of the movie wanted to restore an image of this person on the basis of meetings with her acquaintances, search of personal belongings and Valentina Abramova,s photos.
In search of Valentina Abramova
90 min
In the village of Pervomaisky near Tula, a local businesswoman decided to ennoble the space near her stall. The young artist painted Christ and the Sistine Madonna for her. Everyone turned on the artist and businesswoman, from the administration and the police to participants in Orthodox Internet forums. As a result, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the entrepreneur destroyed the images of Christ and the Virgin with her own hand. But something remains of the naive fresco. Although not on the wall.
24 min