


Darya Khrenova
Darya Khrenova
Закончила ВГИК (киноведческий ф-т). Автор более 300 телевизионных программ и фильмов на российских телеканалах. Член Союза кинематографистов РФ. Лауреат российских и зарубежных кинофестивалей, участник международных форумов и питчингов.
Date of birth
Worn-out flip-flops, a yellow rubber chicken, plastic pipes, a household bucket and a hose, who would have believed that the Ecology of Thought group extracts its music from such strange objects. Street musicians Misha Dramberg and Zhenya Anuchin became guides to the world of a new use of plastic for the duration of the film.
King of the Hill
49 min
What is a war in the Far North and how can military operations be carried out among ice, rocks and bad weather? Many facts of the Great Patriotic War in the Arctic were hushed up for long Soviet years, there were too many losses and shortcomings. Admiral of the Northern Fleet, 34-year-old Arseniy Golovko, describes in detail the ups and downs of the beginning of the war in his diaries, which are now being restored for publication by his son Mikhail, who served in the Navy.
Ice-free port of hope
78 min
The bear is a fearsome wild giant, a symbol of strength and power. Man dreamed of having him as his ancestor, for centuries measuring his strength with this animal and almost completely destroying it as a species. But a person becomes stronger not in struggle and not in hunting, but in love. Taking care of a bear.
Land of Bears
52 min
Petr Pavlensky, artist and activist, is in the vanguard of forging social change in Russia. Through an array of courageous performances, he acts as society's conscience in the face of an increasingly totalitarian state. From lying naked in a coil of barbed wire, to nailing his scrotum to the floor of Red Square, his acts of defiance aim to spark debate and catalyse reform.
Pavlensky. Life naked
74 min
In the 20s, during the Civil War, a unique case arises, namely, a Russian general of German origin leads the Asian Cavalry Division and liberates Mongolia from Chinese invaders. Without losing faith in the return of the Russian monarchy, he advances from Siberia, occupied by the Bolsheviks. The new Genghis Khan named Roman Fedorovich Baron von Ungern-Sternberg does not even suspect that the "Western evil" of the revolution will be omnipotent. For the next hundred years.
The last campaign of the baron
77 min
She was predicted the fate of Coco Chanel of the 21st century. But instead, after a car accident, a high fence protects Nastya from the whole world. Is she ready to compromise in the search for a life partner and reduce the level of her claims?
Who will be my husband?
64 min
In Russia, the attitude towards death is paradoxically irrational, we all seem to live forever. Entrepreneur Sergei Yakushin is the only reasonable "crazy" who led a funeral "revolution" in his native Novosibirsk. Yakushin himself turned to face death after being diagnosed with advanced cancer 15 years ago. And they gave me a year to live.
The main celebration of life
16 min
Yuri Gagarin is a real idol of the modern Leonardo da Vinci, the ingenious Italian artist Vincenzo Bianchi dedicated his museum on the mountain to the Soviet cosmonaut. The artist equates the spacewalk with the discovery by mankind of a new perspective, which once happened in the Italian Renaissance. The space discovered half a century ago is still not inhabited and not studied by man, so the Master invites like-minded people, students of the Moscow Art Lyceum, to the rock of Arts he created in Cervara di Roma, which rests on space. Does the New World Need Artists? And can they be one?
Magic Mountain of Vincenzo Bianchi
54 min