


Valeriy Timoschenko
Valeriy Timoschenko
Режиссер, сценарист, оператор, президент Краснодарской киностудии им. Николая Минервина. Как оператор и режиссер работал во время военных конфликтов в Карабахе, Абхазии, Чечне, Южной Осетии. Член правления Союза кинематографистов России.
Date of birth
A film about the Luhansk militias, whose fates are traced during the most critical period of the war, which has been going on for the fourth year now in the Donbass.
A Luhansk Story
60 min
A film about the Luhansk militias, whose fates are traced during the most critical period of the war, which has been going on for the fourth year now in the Donbass. Summer 2014, the moment of truth, the death of Russian journalists, hundreds of thousands of refugees. Luhansk, a city with a population of 700,000, is defended by no more than a thousand fighters in these tragic days. Then there will be humanitarian convoys, Russian volunteers will come, Russia will move, begin to help the Donbass, at the same moment everything depended on former collective farmers, miners, teachers, taxi drivers who took up arms and went through each of their unique military paths, became militia fighters, artillerymen, commanders of platoons and regiments, and miraculously defended the city. The authors of the film filmed next to their protagonists, sometimes under fire, but in addition, they distributed cameras to the militias themselves, taught them how to shoot. About the militias of Lugansk, about a thousand brave people who wrote history, without understanding it themselves, this film.
Luhansk tale
60 min
History of the twentieth century. View from the village. The path of the Russian peasantry in time and space from pre-revolutionary Cossack villages and rich Siberian villages to the taiga Ural villages, to the peasant Gulag, with children and the elderly, to certain death. The authors of the documentary trace this tragic Odyssey from the manifesto of 1861 to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. They offer society a different view of both the pre-revolutionary Russian village and the civil war, which, in their opinion, was not a war of some reds with some whites, but a war of the state against the peasantry, with its people, because the peasants at that moment made up 80 percent of the population. What was behind this unprecedented attempt in history to destroy 10 million of the best, most talented people of the village?
Peasant history
104 min
The Russians won the Great Patriotic War not because they suffered great sacrifices, but simply because they fought better. The secret of victory lies in the fact that everyone invested in it not only their life, blood, labor, but also talent. It was in the Novorossiysk-Taman operation of 1943 and in the September assault on Novorossiysk that this manifested itself very clearly. This particular operation of the Second World War is traced and reconstructed with the utmost scrupulousness, using genuine newsreels and eyewitness accounts.
Clear victory. The assault on Novorossiysk
39 min
A film about a Russian village, an ordinary Orthodox parish, which is considered by the authors as the very ideal eco-village that the “greens” have been talking about for so long. Sincere surprise, reverence for Life, Creation is born in modern man only when he sees the "wild" world, the reserve.
Russian reserve
60 min