


Svetlana Bychenko
Svetlana Bychenko
Светлана Быченко родилась в Красноярском крае. Окончила Уральский государственный университет; Высшие курсы сценаристов и режиссеров. Член Союза кинематографистов РФ.
Birds are not our smaller brothers, they are other peoples who, together with us, have fallen into the network of life, into the network of time, they are the same as we are, captives of earthly magnificence and earthly suffering.
Flycatcher and other earthly beings
58 min
Only a person who is ready to learn everything that our ancestors could do can live on a desert island: understand the sea, live by the ebb and flow, build a boat, catch a fish, find a “common language” with a bear, bake bread. The inhabitants of the hard-to-reach Cape Alevina in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk can do all this. There are only three of them on the island, and suddenly something went wrong.

The film consists of two parts, the first is dedicated to the life of a lighthouse and meteorologists at Cape Alevina, the second is the life of lighthouses at Cape Taran... These are two completely different stories about harsh, hard-to-reach places, and people who are able to survive here .., or rather live.

br> Participation in festivals:

- prize for the best camera work - film festival "We won together"
- diploma of the participant of the festival "Flaertiana"
The Last Robinsons of The Sea of Okhotsk. Part 1
58 min
Only a person who is ready to learn everything that our ancestors could do can live on a desert island: understand the sea, live by the ebb and flow, build a boat, catch a fish, find a “common language” with a bear, bake bread. The inhabitants of the hard-to-reach Cape Alevina in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk can do all this. There are only three of them on the island, and suddenly something went wrong.

The film consists of two parts, the first is devoted to the life of the lighthouse and meteorologists at Cape Alevina, the second is the life of lighthouses at Cape Taran. These are two completely different stories about harsh, hard-to-reach places, and people who are able to survive here, or rather live.

Participation in festivals:

- prize for the best camera work - film festival "We won together"
- diploma of the participant of the festival "Flaertiana"
The Last Robinsons of The Sea of Okhotsk. Part 2
59 min
A documentary based on the cult novel Territory by geologist Oleg Kuvaev, which glorified the discoverers of gold in Chukotka and Kolyma. “The territory is a country of men, bearded “on business”, and not at the dictates of fashion, a country of high fur boots, fur suits, snowstorms, dog teams, frosts, crazy earnings, heroism, the personification of the life that you would most likely want to live if the damned commonplace would not have eaten. In any case, you dreamed about it in your youth ... " This is a research film. Together with the characters of the film, the author is trying to understand how geology has changed since the time of Kuvaev, how the Territory itself has changed.

Participation in festivals:

- Diploma of the Laureate-winner - All-Russian Festival of Documentary Films named after N.Miklukho-Maklay;
- Prize of the film festival "Northern Character";
- Diploma of the Laureate-winner - All-Russian Festival of Documentary Films named after N.Miklukho-Maklay; prize of the film festival "Northern Character"
- Diploma of the festival "Northern true story", Pevek.
Kuvayev's territory
92 min
The film is about two twins who spent their childhood in the forest on the cordon and saw other children only at the age of seven. They know everything about nature and birds, but have a poor understanding of people and society.
Brothers and birds
56 min
Ilyich's light bulb was canceled by the law on energy saving, and along with this law, the people working at the manufacturing plant were also "cancelled". But the factory workers believe that Ilyich's lamp was buried early, and there are no better lamps for lighting houses and apartments.
52 min
Shikotan Island is located in the South Kuril Ridge, and crows are permanent residents here. Unlike seagulls, crows cannot get their own food in the sea, therefore they steal everything that lies badly and are not at all afraid of humans.
Shikotan Ravens
39 min
The film combined folk legends about the cuckoo, the knowledge of scientists and observations of its life.
Cuckoo's garden
80 min
Four chapters about the children of the night, about owls. From these series we will find out who we call owls, which of them live in Russia, which in Africa, we will get acquainted with the habits of these birds and how they raise their chicks. And also find out if owls are smart. In the film, a scientific experiment is conducted on the presence of cognitive abilities in owl birds.
Children of the night
52 min
At a plant with a two-century history, the last masters of crystal craft resist the destructive onslaught of the new time.
Crystal world
26 min
About the strange, little-studied, mysterious inhabitants of the metropolis. That is, about ordinary Moscow crows. Gray crows are very fond of Moscow and especially the Kremlin. Ornithologists cannot determine the reasons for this feature. The soldiers of the Presidential Regiment shoot them every morning, scare them with hawks, but the crows still come back.
My crows
39 min