


Alena Polunina
Alena Polunina
Режиссёр документального кино. Закончила Высшие курсы сценаристов и режиссёров (мастерская А. Н. Герасимова). Имеет множество наград как международных, так и российских кинофестивалей, в том числе главный приз национальной кинопремии "Лавр 2009".
Date of birth
Donbass. Fourth year of the civil war. One of the military units of the legendary battalion "Vostok". Seven days of existence between war and peace, between hope and anguish, between summer haze and autumn thaw.
Their Own Republic
70 min
An adventurous comedy, the main characters of which are real Russian politicians, two leaders of the organization "Communists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region". They are plotting a trip to Nepal, where the civil war has recently ended, in order to reconcile the two opposing communist parties of that country and, thereby, hasten the advancement of equality and brotherhood throughout the world. Initially, the information about the trip was invented by them as a "newspaper duck" to draw attention to themselves and their organization. But, by coincidence, they really had to go to Nepal.
Nepal Forever
95 min
The author defines the genre of the picture as a film novel. A very personal story of pride, betrayal, disappointment, and the beginning of a new life. Russia. 2007. Presidential elections are to be held exactly one year later. The political opposition is determined to take decisive action and dreams of taking power into its own hands. But politics in the film is just a background, an environment in which the main characters exist. The film is not about politics, but about people in politics and politics in people. For the heroes of the film (and they are, in fact, the archetypal characters of Russian history, carriers of the "virus" of the revolution), this year is a test and a starting point for a new life.
A revolution that never happened
97 min
Provincial theater school students come to Moscow for a progressive arts festival. This is the story of the collision of the capital and the provinces, young talents and stars, the "old" school and the "new"; a story that is looped because it repeats itself with every generation.
52 min
A series about love and dislike in the small Russian provincial town of Torzhok, about smoldering or raging passions there.
8 stories of love and dislike
208 min
"Yes, death!" is the battle cry of the National Bolsheviks. They are the main work of Eduard Limonov, the protagonists of a multi-figure novel of flesh and blood. Reincarnation of the RSDLP, political sect, or a radical artistic phenomenon?
Yes, death!
26 min