Училась в СПбГУКиТ (мастерская Н.В. Обуховича). Окончила Всероссийский государственный университет кинематографии им. С. А. Герасимова, мастерскую неигрового фильма С. В. Мирошниченко. Имеет множество призов, в том числе премию «Лавровая ветвь» (2013).
Date of birth
A film about a new generation of Russian football players. For three years, the authors of the film have watched the heroes' path to big football, hopes and victories, difficult trials and injuries, inevitable disappointments and sacrifices, all for the sake of fulfilling the common dream of "being in the game" at the 2018 World Cup.
A film about maternal love, the path from inner emptiness to creation, from abandoning one's own child to adopting someone else's child and accepting it as one's own.
In St. Petersburg, on Tramway Avenue, on which, in fact, trams never ran, there is a shelter for underage mothers. More girls, pupils of orphanages, who hardly remember their mothers, must now become real mothers for their own children.