


Denis Klebleev
Denis Klebleev
Закончил мастерскую документального кино Марины Разбежкиной. Премьерный показ дипломного фильма «31-й Рейс» состоялся на фестивале Артдокфест в Москве (приз за лучший полный метр). В 2015 году стал членом жюри на 68-м кинофестивале в Локарно.
An elderly wealthy actor obsessed with playing King Lear tragically experiences his own family drama as he transforms into a real-life Shakespearean character.
King Lear
56 min
A young theoretical physicist Konstantin is engaged in the study of quantum effects and teaches at the institute. In the summer, he and his students go to the sea, to the institute's recreation center. Every day, Konstantin teaches physics classes for a group of debtor students, and every evening, as a counselor, he keeps order in the buildings. That is, it prevents students from having fun. Students are skeptical about Konstantin and try to evade classes at the first opportunity. They are not interested in physics, but in summer, girls and their own youth. Kostya is "in antiphase" in relation to all the inhabitants of the summer camp. Perceiving the surrounding reality through the prism of physics, Kostya opposes the classical world to the quantum one, that is, the world of ordinary people to the ideal, subtle, complex world. The "quantum man" Konstantin is trying to convey something to people from the "classical world", to establish contact with them, but they do not understand him, and cannot understand him.
Strange particles
51 min
Ten young directors spent two months with the camera. The result is chronicles of the protest winter 2011-2012. The film is about those who make a political agenda, and about those who are not satisfied with such an agenda. People, faces, conversations, rallies, victories and defeats on the eve of the presidential election. Live camera, live characters.
Winter, go away!
81 min
Peninsula Kamchatka. 2000 inhabitants of a small village are cut off from the outside world by kilometers of impenetrable swamps and mountain passes. They are connected only by regular flights of all-terrain vehicles that deliver products to the village. And here again, two drivers on their old all-terrain vehicles are on the road. This is their life, their destiny, their destiny. Their run No. 31.
Run No. 31
57 min