


Oleg Mavromatti
Oleg Mavromatti
Российский художник-акционист, режиссёр. Один из ярких представителей Московского акционизма. Обладатель специального приза кинофестиваля "Артдокфест".
Date of birth
This film is about people who live in a neighborhood with an ongoing war. There is a constant sublimation of pain in them, they have no choice but to be forced to dwell in hell and drive suffering into the subconscious. The hero of the film is blogger Gennady Gorin from the city of Luhansk. He performs in a variety of artistic genres, from comedy to horror, from drawing to phantasmagoria. It brings reality and dream together. Will the life of a Luhansk video blogger change after meeting with a UFO?
Monkey, Ostrich and Grave
95 min
Oleg Mavromatti's film is an absolutely new genre of audiovisual work. It is made entirely from Internet footage, but at the same time it has a very bright, very individual rhythm, peculiar only to Oleg, and a way of organizing the artistic fabric. The protagonist is a real person who tries to find himself in a virtual environment by publishing his video diaries. We see how his consciousness dissolves in the media space, in which there is no death, which means there is no life. This existential drama about human loneliness makes the viewer look inward and see the abyss of media propaganda. The tape was awarded as the Best Documentary at the National Film Festival of Debuts "Movement" -2015.
Fools don't belong here
82 min