


Mariya Kravchenko
Mariya Kravchenko
Российский режиссёр неигрового и документального кино, журналистка, сценаристка, оператор и монтажёр. Окончила ВГИК (мастерская С. Мирошниченко). Ещё в студенческие годы начала сотрудничать с телеканалом ТНТ.
Date of birth
This is a story about how to overcome fear, change your life forever. This is the love story of a man and a woman doomed to eternal separation. And children who will always bear the seal of what their parents did. The main action of the film takes place in Israel, from 1995 to the present day. Before us is a drama of life, death, hate and love. The film was awarded the National Lavr Prize - 2014 as the Best Film and the White Elephant Award of the Russian Guild of Film Critics and Critics - 2015 as the Best Non-Fiction Film. This tape was the last work of the great Hertz Frank. After his departure, the film was completed by Maria Kravchenko.
On the verge of fear
89 min
The heroes of the film, young Caucasians, are the children of the war that destroyed their childhood and youth. What do they remember about the past other than suffering? And what about their present?
Body parts
39 min
Memories. Painful memories. The film is a journey. It is enclosed in three conditional spaces, namely, a hostel for internally displaced persons, abandoned in an empty field, who exist outside the present and future, with a torn, burned past. Twilight cold Moscow with a Chechen guy wandering through its streets, the vocalist of the Dead Dolphins group, Artur, who remembers his once beloved city, but does not want to return and see the place where his house used to be. Emaciated, abandoned by the souls that once inhabited it, the city of Grozny, in which, for the first time after the war, a Russian girl comes to see her home, return to her childhood and "die in it", saying goodbye to him forever for all those who have lost his home and country.
Collecting shadows
51 min