


Elena Shalkina
Elena Shalkina
Окончила Школу документального кино и документального театра Марины Разбежкиной и Михаила Угарова. Как оператор и монтажер сделала десятки репортажей для зарубежных телеканалов, таких как CGTN, TRT, CNA, ITN и других.
The poet Krasovitsky is Father Stefan Krasovitsky, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was ordained to the priesthood in New York in 1990. Father Stefan has two parishes, one in the attic of his house in the Moscow region, where he lives most of the year and serves every day in complete solitude; the second in Karelia, in the village of Reboly. In the village on the border with Finland, Father Stefan usually comes in the summer, he serves in the church built by his eldest son. The villagers gather berries, they have no time for going to services, but Father Stefan does not seem to be trying to attract them to the Temple. Stanislav Yakovlevich Krasovitsky in the late 50s was one of the brightest poets of his generation. In the early 60s, he destroyed most of what he had written and did not return to poetry for some time. Some of his poems remained on the pages and in the memory of his friends, who never unraveled the mystery of his act, and he himself turned into a legend.
64 min