


Yaak Kilmi
Yaak Kilmi
Окончил факультет культуры Педагогического университета (Таллинн). Член кинокомиссии Фонда культуры и Совета по кинематографии Эстонии, член Эстонской ассоциации киножурналистов. Преподает режиссуру в Академии художеств Эстонии и Таллиннском университете.
Date of birth
In the remote Siberian taiga lives the religious leader Christ Vissarion, who proclaimed himself the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Thousands of followers gathered around him, among them the ringer Dmitry and his wife Sveta, who several years ago moved to live in the taiga with her three children from distant St. Petersburg. However, the father of the children does not agree with this state of affairs. He decides to write a letter to the presidential administration, demanding that the children be returned to him.
Christ lives in Siberia
85 min
The Estonian-Russian border town of Narva is located in virtually no man's land on the eastern border of the European Union. The glory days of this city seem to be long gone. This film is about two residents of Narva who have big plans for the city. Simple Russian craftsman Fyodor is building a giant model of ancient Narva in an empty City Hall building, and Swedish real estate mogul Mats wants to change the future of Narva into a new Hong Kong.
Paper Town
29 min