


Yulia Lokshina
Yulia Lokshina
Изучала режиссуру документального кино в Мюнхенской киношколе HFF München. Была удостоена 12-й ежегодной стипендии фонда Кирха (Мюнхен) в области медиаискусства.
A small town in western Germany is the last stop for 26,000 pigs per day and a temporary home for masses of Eastern European temporary workers.
 The workers of the largest slaughterhouse in the country are fighting for survival, while German activists who stand up for their rights, are fighting against the local authorities. At the same time, Munich high school students are working on the play "Saint Joan of the Stockyards" and trying to grasp the old text and German capitalism of our days. Interwoven with the thoughts of the young people and their examination of the text in the rehearsals, the film deals in various fragments with conditions and facets of temporary work and labour migration in Germany.
Rules of the assembly line, at high speed
92 min
Every summer, a military-patriotic camp for kids is being held on the Russian island of Sakhalin, 8000 km to the east of Moscow. The children are being trained in national values and armed combat, backed by lessons of Russian orthodox tradition. In Summer 2015, due to the 70th anniversary of the victory of the soviet army in WWII, the camp takes part in reconstruction of a historic battle, where the kids take on the roles of soldiers and the adults teach them how dying looks best on the battlefield.
Days of Youth
30 min