


Ksenia Okhapkina
Ksenia Okhapkina
Окончила СПбГУКиТ, мастерскую режиссуры неигрового кино А. И. Гутмана. Призёр ряда международных кинофестивалей. Фильм «Бессмертный» был номинирован на премию "Оскар" (США). Член Гильдии Документалистов России и член Союза эстонских визуальных авторов.
Date of birth
The film reveals the mechanism that entices human beings to voluntarily turn themselves into submissive, faceless creatures. Thus, they become a resource to be used by the state – a grey lump of ore oblivious to the innate value of their individual life. The town of Apatity first came into being as a concentration camp. Today, 50 years is considered a ripe old age in the industrial town of Apatity, while the environment is at the brink of an ecological disaster. The adults while away their lives at the factory bus stop whilst the children – the token of their immortality – miss out on family life and warmth. Instead, they are left in the care of state structures that inculcate in them the traits of prisoners, making use of celebration-like dancing and marching trainings. Neither the children nor their educators are aware of this. They are convinced that they are bringing up a generation of patriotic heroes, fated to become legionnaires of the Earth and the adjacent cosmic expanses. The only way out of this system is death. However, if you die for the state you become an immortal hero. The dancing and marching fall into the conveyor-belt rhythm of the moving trains, full of grey lumps of ore that are also destined for immortality: they will become phosphorus fertiliser on which new life will grow. Film website:
60 min
In a small village in the mountains of Chechnya, people live as one family. Enjoy a peaceful summer day together. Such an opportunity is not often given to Chechens, because history here goes in a circle, namely, from a protracted and exhausting war to a short truce and again to war. They say here that you need to be ready to fight all the time. Death has become a daily reality. The teenager Shamkhan will have to face death for the first time, to enter the circle of adult life, as they enter the trance dance of the Zikr. The women silently watch the men engaged in the craft of death. They keep life and keep the hope contained in the old Chechen greeting: "Come free!"
Come back free
51 min
Deaf, abandoned, snow-covered Belarusian village of Lute. The last inhabitant of this village, Valentina Kirillovna Shpakova, celebrates the New Year.
15 min