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Documentary observation of the life of high school students on the eve of the anniversary of the Victory. A film about the reverse side of patriotism.
Two Childhoods
Vladimir Golovnev
Russia, 2015
26 min
This film about the process of technical discovery, insight, the “theory of an internal explosion” of a person was based on real facts and events in 1988 in the USSR related to the implementation of an agreement with the Americans on the elimination of medium and short-range missiles.
Bang Theory
Andrey Istratov
Russia, 2018
45 min
Six stories told by residents of besieged Leningrad. After the war, their fates turned out differently, but during the years of the blockade, their paths of life were intertwined with the history of the victory of an entire nation. This picture is a sincere and honest story of one of the few witnesses of the blockade who have survived to this day about themselves, Leningrad and the will to live.
Mariya Popricak
Russia, 2015
61 min
A reliable and poignant story about what the children and teenagers of besieged Leningrad experienced. 14 surviving heroes and several dozens of those for whom only the lines of diaries and captions to children's drawings can now speak, word by word, minute by minute, story by story, revive the memory of the siege. What did the people in the besieged city really feel? What of what we know about the blockade is true, and what is a myth, a stamp from a history textbook? The authors of the film, with the help of video comparisons-reconstructions, return modern St. Petersburg to the terrible time of the blockade, connecting history with the moment. This film is a memory and a film about memory. About how it is set up. About those thanks to whom it can, must be preserved.
Sergey Nurmamed, Katerina Gordeeva
Russia, 2014
120 min
Soiga village was founded by monks 400 years ago. At the beginning of the twentieth century, deforestation was organized in the Arkhangelsk region. In the 1950s, a narrow-gauge railway was built to transport timber to the Northern Dvina River. Now the village of Soyga is surrounded by swamps and is located 38 kilometers from the nearest highway. After the reduction of the forest fund, financial support for the road and the settlement ceased. The only way to get there is by the narrow gauge railway, which has existed there since 1958. For about 40 years, local residents and the locomotive driver Boris Petrovich Skumin have been maintaining the road in good condition.
Roman Fitilev
Russia, 2020
50 min
In Russia, since 2017, 35 criminal cases have been opened against teenagers on charges of preparing mass murders, terrorist attacks or extremist actions. All these cases are distinguished by the fact that there are no victims in them, only statements by the investigation that the schoolchildren planned to do something. The accusation is based on drawings, correspondence on the Internet and photographs. 16-year-old Nikita Uvarov was arrested for five years on charges of terrorism. He and his friends put up leaflets demanding the release of anarchist political prisoners. Schoolchildren built a copy of their city in Minecraft and joked in the general chat about the explosion of the FSB building. Not a real explosion, but a computer one. For drawing a plan to capture the barracks, 18-year-old cadet Vadim Osipov was accused of terrorism and, by a court decision, was sent for compulsory treatment. The editors of the student magazine DOXA were sentenced to two years of hard labor for a video about pressure from university professors on students who participated in rallies. Agora lawyers undertake to protect teenagers.
Lawyers: Non-Childish Cases
Masha Novikova
USA, 2022
54 min
Nicolae is a 9-year-old boy. He is a pupil at the Russian language school in Soroca. He really likes to go to school. He looks forward to going to the "last day of school" to find out if he is going to be accepted into the third grade. He knows all the streets of Soroca, because, together with his brother, Gena, they wander all day. Soroca - is a small town in the north of the Republic of Moldova. It is known thanks to the medieval fortress, the oldest on the territory of the country, but also thanks to the Roma community, that lives compactly in a neighborhood on a hill from Soroca. The Roma are eccentric here. They built big houses, some of them being replicas of known buildings in the world. Hence the name of the movie The Bolshoi Theatre, referring to the well-known building in Moscow, but also to the theatrical nature of the Roma people.
Soroca's Bolishoi Theatre
Eugeniu Popovici
Moldova, 2018
52 min
The protagonist of the film is a man of absolutely incredible biography and fantastic character. Anatoly Lebed. He went through 5 wars and died in 2012, crashed on a motorcycle. Very little was known about his life. After all, the details of such a specific professional activity are not taken out on the front pages of newspapers. In addition, Lebed himself was very laconic and did not like to talk publicly about his past. He called the war simply work, and, as a rule, kept silent about his awards and wounds.
Personal photo chronicle of Anatoly Lebed
Valery Dovbnya
Russia, 2014
54 min
Each age is given to a person in order to comprehend something important, to experience, to feel, to comprehend. Birth, childhood, youth, maturity, old age, the inevitability of a transition to another world, each stage in a person's life has its own beauty and wisdom. Characters, heroes of their time, reflect on this.
Mafin and his friends
Aleksey Malechkin
Russia, 2011
60 min
In 2016, an HIV epidemic was announced in Russia, with more than 1,000,000 cases, and more than half of them women. This film tells the story of three women living with HIV for over 10 years. Opening their faces, they will honestly and directly tell about the history of their illness and life today.
Women plus
Nastya Kuzyakova
Russia, 2016
19 min
Long-distance navigator, historian Dmitry Kravchenko goes to the Arctic in search of the disappeared caravel Willem Barents, which in 1596 was covered with ice off the coast of Novaya Zemlya.
Arctic wind
Veronika Solovieva
Russia, 2014
39 min
Letnyaya Zolotitsa is a village situated along the shores of the White Sea, approximately 180 kilometers from Arkhangelsk. During winter, access to the village is limited to snowmobiles or, alternatively, by air using an old An-2 aircraft. Ilya Ikonnikov, the head of the Letnyaya Zolotitsa landing site, assumes multiple roles, serving as an air traffic controller, airfield watchman, cashier, loader, and stoker—all in one. He travels to the village from his hometown of Onega as part of his duty. Ikonnikov, a former journalist and poet, finds less recognition and congratulations in his aviation work than the personalized epitaphs he crafts. However, he considers the "An-2 service" a calling passed down from his grandfather and father. The village, with fewer than 200 residents, experiences an influx of seasonal inhabitants during the summer. Most employment opportunities are in public organizations such as the post office, school, and administration, offering modest salaries. The Pomors, traditionally engaged in fishing, often find themselves unintentionally engaging in poaching due to challenging bureaucratic regulations. Letnyaya Zolotitsa lacks mobile communication and has limited internet access, but central television is readily available. Conversations often revolve around the war in Ukraine, and patriotism is taught in special lessons at the local school. While Ikonnikov opposes the war, his stance is somewhat of an exception in the village.
The winter in the Summer Zolotitsa
Vladimir Sevrinovsky
Russia, 2023
27 min
The film shows the modern life of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks, which was divided as a result of the tragic events that took place in Russia in the 20-30s of the last century. It so happened that more than one generation of Cossacks who left Russia now lives in Australia, China, and New Zealand. However, they continue to preserve their native culture, way of life, faith, love for the Motherland and the desire to reunite with it. The life of the descendants of the Cossacks who remained in Russia was no less dramatic. Having gone through all the trials of the 20th century, they retained their memory, soul, faith, and this helps them today to restore their destroyed way of life.
Transbaikal Odyssey
Sergey Goloveckiy, Anatoliy Leonov
Russia, 2015
93 min
To return to the starting point, it is enough to drive a few stations on the train. The most terrible of childhood memories will appear if you cross the threshold. The hero of the film, 20-year-old Dima, who grew up in an orphanage, one day decided to find his real family. Movie version with English subtitles:
September 25
Askold Kurov
Russia, 2010
31 min
Elena is going home, to a village located on the front line in the "gray zone" of the Donetsk region, where she spent her childhood. In the garden, to keep the weeds out of the neighboring plots, her brother planted mustard. The girl lies down in the thorny grass and remembers how big and tasty apricots, cherries, pears, sweet cherries used to be.
The film is only available for viewing in Russia.
Mustard in the gardens
Petr Armyanovskiy
Ukraine, 2018
37 min
The story of a man who everyone thinks is crazy, but what he does leaves everyone in amazement and remains in memory for many years.
Conspiracy of the mad
Algis Arlauskas
Russia, Spain, 2016
50 min
On the border of Russia and Kazakhstan, on the salt lake Baskunchak at the beginning of the 21st century, people had to make a choice. Maybe the most important thing in life. Having become shareholders of their enterprise, they could breathe new life into it and confidently build their future, but they preferred another, more profitable, at first glance, option.
Vladimir Gerchikov
Russia, 2015
52 min
"De facto" is devoted to the problem of appropriation and re-interpretation of history in a post-truth society. Filmed in Lviv in 2016-2017, it shows a complex picture of the coexistence of diametrically different communities in the same post-Soviet space. The annual rituals associated with the events of World War II, initiated by various political, social and ethnic groups, have the character of a performance and, despite the tragic historical context, often cause a comic effect. The film is a joint work of artist Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair and historian Alexandra Vakhter.
De fac-to
Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Alexandra Wachter
Austria, 2018
32 min
This is a movie about children who live every day with a reminder of war and enemies. This happens in today's Russia, in the city of Belaya Kalitva in the Rostov region. Teenagers take a Cossack upbringing.
Childhood, summer and war
Maksim Pahomov, Aleksandr Rastorguev
Russia, 2018
36 min
In the early morning of December 15, 1938, Chkalov arrived at the Khodynka airfield, where he was to test the new I-180 fighter for takeoff. In the flight task, it was written that it was necessary to complete one circle and return to the airfield. But Valery Chkalov decided to go for the second round, and the engine stalled. Chkalov stubbornly tried to start the engine, but to no avail. There is only one way out, to plan to the airfield and go for a landing. Until the last second, he tried to save the plane. There are many versions of Chkalov's death, but none of them clarify the situation to the end. The life and death of Chkalov is the story of an unusual pilot who always tried to act contrary to the rules and orders, to go beyond the limits of the possible.
Chkalov. Once upon a time there was a pilot
Mikhail Degtyar
Russia, 2015
45 min